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Wiki Feedback Admin

Please find below the list of feedback brought on by customers:


ConfiForms TableView Merger

truearea truecomment


trainingfeedbackEN trainingfeedbackFR trainingfeedbackDE trainingfeedbackES 

Feedback Admin:

Here are the admin buttons allowing to simulate a feedback and edit the existing ones:

ConfiForms Form
registrationFormTitleImproving the Hubwoo Training site

false[1=Training Library|2=Training Calendar|3=Contact Us section|4=Specific training|5=Overall feedback|6=This page|]selecttrueareaPlease indicate where the point you want to see improved is locatedTraining areaid;falsetextareatruecommentPlease detail the point(s) you would like Hubwoo to improveComment

textEmailPlease leave your email so that we can reply to your comment. If this field is left blank your comment is anonymous and we won't be able to respond to your concern directly.Email Address

Provide feedback on the Training SiteWiki Feedback AdmintrainingfeedbackENBLOCKThanks ! Your feedback is appreciatedFeedback sent ! 

autopagesourcepageSource pageid;false

[Technical Training]New Feedback (EN) on the training wikionCreatedSend,

Dear Technical Team,

A new Feedback has been created (in English) on the Training wiki. Please consult this page to perform any modification.

Training area: ${area}

Source page: ${sourcepage}

Comment: ${comment}

ConfiForms Form
registrationFormTitleComment améliorer le site de formation Hubwoo ?

false[1=Bibliothèque de Formation|2=Calendrier de Formation|3=Nous Contacter|4=Une Formation en particulier|5=Retour général|6=Cette page|]selecttrueareaMerci de nous préciser la partie du site concernée par votre suggestion d'améliorationZone concernéeid;falseautopagesourcepageSource pageid;falsetextareatruecommentMerci de préciser le point d'amélioration que vous voulez soumettre à HubwooCommentaire

textEmailNous reviendrons bientôt vers vous. Merci de laisser votre courrier électronique pour que nous puissions répondre à votre commentaire. Si ce champ est vide, votre commentaire sera considéré comme anonyme et nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous répondre.Email Address

Faire un retour sur le site de FormationWiki Feedback AdmintrainingfeedbackFRBLOCKThanks ! Your feedback is appreciatedRetour noté, merci ! [Technical Training]New Feedback (EN) on the training wikionCreatedSend,

Dear Technical Team,

A new Feedback has been created (in French) on the Training wiki. Please consult this page to perform any modification.

Training area: ${area}

Source page: ${sourcepage}

Comment: ${comment}

ConfiForms Form
registrationFormTitleImproving the Hubwoo Training siteDie Verbesserung der Trainingssite


Training Library




Contact Us section

Hubwoo Kundensupport Bereich |4=

Specific training

Bestimmtes Training|5=

Overall feedback|

Gesamtfeedback|6=Diese Seite|]selecttruearea

Please indicate where the point you want to see improved is locatedTraining area

Bitte erwähnen Sie die Bereiche, der Trainingsseite, wo Sie Verbesserungen sehen möchtenTrainingsbereichid;falsetextareatruecomment

Please detail the point(s) you would like Hubwoo to improveComment

Provide feedback on the Training SitetrainingfeedbackDEThanks ! Your feedback is appreciatedFeedback sent !

ConfiForms Form

Geben Sie uns bitte detalierte Punkte, die Sie möchten, Hubwoo zu verbessernKommentar

textEmailVielen Dank für den Kommentar. Bitte hinterlasse Sie Ihre Email damit wir uns gegebenenfalls bei Ihnen melden können. Ohne Email wird Ihr Kommentar anonym hinterlegt und wir haben keine Möglichkeit Ihnen eine Rückmeldung zu geben. Email Address

Feedback zur Trainingssite gebenWiki Feedback AdmintrainingfeedbackDEBLOCKVielen Dank! Ihr Feedback hilft uns sehr weiter.Feedback sent ! 

autopagesourcepageSource pageid;false

[Technical Training]New Feedback (EN) on the training wikionCreatedSend,

Dear Technical Team,

A new Feedback has been created (in German) on the Training wiki. Please consult this page to perform any modification.

Training area: ${area}

Source page: ${sourcepage}

Comment: ${comment}

ConfiForms Form
registrationFormTitleImproving the Hubwoo Training siteMejorar el Sitio de Formación de Hubwoo


Training Library

Biblioteca de Formación|2=

Training Calendar

Calendario de Eventos de Formación|3=

Contact Us section

Sección “Contactos”|4=

Specific training

Formación específica|5=

Overall feedback|

Comentarios Generales|6=Esta página|]selecttruearea

Please indicate where the point you want to see improved is locatedTraining area

Provide feedback on the Training SitetrainingfeedbackESThanks ! Your feedback is appreciatedFeedback sent !

Por favor indique los áreas del Sitio de Formación en que desee ver mejoras Área de Formaciónid;falsetextareatruecomment

Please detail the point(s) you would like Hubwoo to improveComment

Por favor indique los puntos que lo que le gusta y lo que tendríamos que mejorarCommentario

textEmailSus opiniones sinceras serán tratadas con el mayor respeto, y sus inquietudes serán contestadas a la brevedad posible. Si desea que le contactemos una vez que lo hayamos procesado, por favor deje su dirección de correo electrónico en el campo de abajo. De lo contrario, sus comentarios serán tratados de forma anónimo.Email Address

Dejar sus comentarios sobre el Sitio de FormaciónWiki Feedback AdmintrainingfeedbackESBLOCKMuchas gracias! Apreciamos sus comentarios.Feedback sent ! 

autopagesourcepageSource pageid;false

[Technical Training]New Feedback (EN) on the training wikionCreatedSend,

Dear Technical Team,

A new Feedback has been created (in Spanish) on the Training wiki. Please consult this page to perform any modification.

Training area: ${area}

Source page: ${sourcepage}

Comment: ${comment}


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